Growing up in Oklahoma, I never had an art class...not sure finger paints were even invented yet! Ha! I'm a bit jealous of those who grew up in an artsy kind of environment, but mine was nowhere near it! However, I have been involved in a few creative ventures. The most successful was a 4 woman shop called 4myfriend. We made beaded gifts and glassware. We started out in my kitchen, then graduated to a dedicated small house we called "the shop". We ultimately served a few hundred clients and sold our wares through 5 large markets across the country, including Dallas, Seattle and Chicago. Those were crazy fun, challenging times spent with three amazing and talented ladies! I learned so much about the business of manufacturing and retail.
Painting never entered my mind. In fact, my only experience with the arts was my freshman year in college. Every freshman was required to take Art Appreciation. Pretty sure I was the only kid in the auditorium who was actually kinda diggin' it! I flew through the class learning to identify famous paintings, important artists, dates of the renaissance... then it came time for the final. Our instructor asked us to paint a picture. Ugh! He said he would not grade us on talent, only wanted us to give it a try. Whew! So I happily took on the task and painted what I thought was a pretty darn good pot of geraniums. I received 6 F's for my attempt, which brought my A average down to a D! My first one EVER!...(not my last). So that was my first miserable experience at painting.
Fast forward 30 years until I picked up a paint brush again. My husband was away on a weekend trip and I had a little time on my hands. Not sure what possessed me to buy a tiny acrylic starter kit and a couple small canvases, but I did. Poured myself a glass of wine and went at it...I couldn't stop! There was something so enticing about the way the paint blended and held beautiful true colors. I was immediately hooked!
Painting is such a creative escape and I never tire of the process!
Today, I create large floral artworks using acrylic paints. Also tinker with abstracts and a few figure studies, but my passion is florals! At times, I feel pressured to paint like a mad woman! I mean, I missed out on painting MOST of my life. How many more years do I have left to get good at this? Kinda makes me crazy!
People have asked me what do I think about while painting? I do best when I think of nothing! It’s really a challenge to just get out of my head! So when the tunes are playing a great song, the studio is bright and happy, and the palette is filled with gorgeous paint colors, I just try to let it fly! The feeling is almost like a slow dance with the paintbrush. You listen to the rhythm of what’s happening on the canvas and just move along with it. Then when you step back and see what just happened, it’s a beautiful, joyful, rewarding high! Not every time, mind you, some days the struggle is real! Eventually, I'll persist until that little moment of joy tells me the painting complete!
Sometimes life brings the most unexpected journeys. Painting has been completely unexpected and such a blessing in my life! My goal is to live inspired everyday...and hopefully inspire others to do the same!
Pick up a brush, learn to scuba, run a race, crochet, whatever your heart your life with compassion and inspiration!
Thank you for coming along with me! The incredible, steadfast support of my family and friends, near and virtual makes this road trip so worth it!
Thank you for reading,
Kathy Morawiec